
Andrew Marvell’s The Character of Holland: Satire and Slander on the Dutch

Aspects of Shakespeare’s Henry IV and V’s Warfare: Legitimacy, Religion, Tactics and the Battlefield

Bridging Trauma Through the Use of Language and Images: Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Classical Meets Restoration in John Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis

Female Representation in Ben Jonson’s Volpone and John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi

Judgement of Characters: A Look Into Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare

Some Early Reactions to John Milton’s Paradise Lost

The Rise and Fall from Grace: Red Cross and Dr. Faustus

The Symbolism of the Beast’s Appearances in Different Cultures (Comparative Literature: Beauty and the Beast)

The Use of the Fictional Novel to Further a Nonfictional Discourse (Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Wrongs of Woman & Vindication of the Rights of Women)

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Julius Caesar: Betrayal, Blood, and Treachery